2024年秋季学期 欧洲学期




欧洲学期 couples intensive study with first-hand experience of the places and people that have shaped European 历史 and cultures. 你会到处旅行, 读, 研究, 广泛地写作, 向来自欧洲各地的专家和普通人学习. Your courses will fulfill Common Inquiries requirements from Westmont's General Education program, 但你的学术经历将远远超过满足要求. 你会发现新的视角, 与具有挑战性的问题搏斗, 看到抽象的想法在现实生活中的体现, 同时也是一个小, 基督教学习型ag娱乐官网.

Students will be able to fulfill these general education requirements: Thinking Globally, 推理抽象, 阅读想象文学, 了解社会. 体育课程也将提供.



生物多样性丧失等广泛的环境挑战, 资源枯竭, and environmental change and degradation are among the most pressing global issues of our day. 他们有大量的科学, 社会, 而道德层面则需要一个成熟的, 通知, 以及来自不同学科角度的富有同情心的回应. 本课程介绍全球环境问题, 特别关注欧洲野生动物, 历史, 和政治. While encountering landscapes from Cambridge’s Fenlands to the greenbelt along the historical Iron Curtain, 从德国的黑森林到意大利的城市和农田, we will cultivate a deep understanding of individual and corporate connections to the natural world in all its diversity. We will develop an interdisciplinary knowledge base and set of skills to engage contemporary environmental issues from local to global scales, and situate stewardship of the earth in the context of Christian theology and 社会 and environmental 道德. 通用电气:放眼全球

Biblical apocalyptic literature was written in response to the oppression and persecution of the people of God. The vivid imagery and dramatic events offered 读ers a way to interpret their experience of the world, 他们可以在宣告上帝战胜邪恶中找到希望. The visions of biblical apocalyptic literature also have provided imagery and concepts for later writers, 在犹太教和基督教ag娱乐官网内外. Writers throughout 历史 and into our own day adopt and adapt biblical imagery in response to new crises in the world–including the climate crisis. 这节课,我们将探讨《ag娱乐官网》. We’ll seek out echoes of biblical apocalyptic imagery in medieval doom paintings, 有远见的诗歌, 现代小说. And we’ll think through the power and significance of the apocalypse as an interpretive framework for our own world. GE:阅读想象文学

哲学的早期现代时期(包括, 约, the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries) was a time of dramatic societal and intellectual change in Europe.  The Reformation had fractured the unity of the continent under the Catholic church during the Middle Ages, and the ensuing conflicts between Catholics and Protestants set the stage for 辩论 about political authority, 宗教宽容, 以及宗教ag娱乐官网的理性基础.  在科学, 哥白尼在物理学上的新工作, 伽利略, 还有一些人挑战了我们在宇宙中所处位置的公认观点, while the revival of vivisection and the development of the microscope facilitated the investigation into the nature and function of living things.  尽管经院哲学, the Aristotelian-influenced tradition of philosophy that emerged in the later Middle Ages, 在这一时期的大部分时间里继续在大学中占据统治地位, methods and ideas circulating within the “republic of letters” would eventually lead to its decline. 一场被称为启蒙运动的文化运动, 哪一个强调了理性和证据的运用, 他经常对公认的传统和权威持高度批评态度, 将改变欧洲社会, 在这一时期末期的法国大革命中达到高潮.  在本课程中, 我们将探讨一系列哲学话题, 辩论, 以及早期现代哲学的文本, 包括形而上学(研究什么是真实的), 认识论(研究我们能知道什么以及我们如何知道它), 政治哲学, 道德, 和美学.  从地理上讲,我们的重点将放在英国的哲学家身上.g.,约翰·洛克和玛格丽特·卡文迪什),法国(e.g.,笛卡尔和Émilie du chtelet),荷兰(e.g.安娜·玛丽亚·冯·舒曼和巴鲁克·斯宾诺莎),德国(e.g.莱布尼茨和康德). GE:抽象推理

This course explores the societies of our host cultures on 欧洲韦斯特蒙, 其中包括英格兰, 荷兰, 德国, 斯洛伐克, 克罗地亚, 意大利, 和法国. It will foster understanding of European societies in both historical and contemporary contexts through study, 分析, 以及对政治的观察, 经济, 宗教, 社会, 文化模式和争议. Guest lectures will provide insights that help to explain historical and contemporary 社会 issues in each country. Students will be required to engage with host contexts with b读th and depth, 任务集中在紧迫的公众利益问题上. 考虑到整个节目的主题, we will particularly focus on the ways environmental issues–such climate change, 生物多样性丧失, 以及战争影响政治, 经济, 和日常生活. We will also reflect on the place of Christian community in these cultures, 无论是历史上还是现在, 以及它们在应对环境挑战中的作用.  GE:了解社会

This course invites students to connect physical fitness with their understanding of the use and significance of space, 创造关怀的工作. For instance, how do the spaces and industry of cities contribute to environmental degradation? 我们是如何出行的——私家车吗, 出租车, 公共交通, 自行车, 考虑到气候危机,这是微不足道的? What’s different about exercise outside of cities, in forests or fens or mountains? And how can we cultivate awareness of other species as we travel from one place to another? GE: PE信用



Students are allowed to apply their financial aid awards from the college—both need-based and merit-based awards—toward the program’s cost.



  • 类站
  • GPA(最低2分).3 GPA才有资格),而且没有学生生活处罚
  • 申请论文
  • 教员和个人推荐


  • Participate in occasional communal meals based on local diet with limited control over food choices.
  • Navigate multiple irregular surfaces and walk/travel an average of 3-5 miles a day independently and up to 10 miles a day on monthly field trips.
  • Anticipate having sufficient emotional wellness to fully participate in the program safely and successfully despite the limited availability of frequent access to psychological services.
  • 预计至少有两个人的住宿.


单击本页顶部的应用按钮! 申请截止日期为2023年11月15日.